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SHINE Gymnastics Centre

Have an Account?

You must login or create an account to register for programs.




Register Anytime

Programming Begins January 2025


Flexible commitment terms


Programming Cancelation Policy:

In order to withdraw from any of our programs, we require one full month’s written notice to

This means that if you wish to withdraw from programming for December 1st, we must receive your notice before November 1st, for example.


In other words, members must provide 1 Full Month’s Payment notice.


This policy ensures we can effectively manage our class schedules and provide the best experience for all of our athletes.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your cancellation request, please feel free to contact us.


Must give notice in writing to to withdraw


When Should I Register?

Registration is open all year! Once you register and pay, you may begin attending class immediately

We do not offer pre-registration once classes have started.

Example: if you would like to start classes in January, register in January


Payment Options:

Members have the option to "Pay in Full" or "Pay in Instalments" upon checkout.

Carefully select the option you prefer, once payments are made in full, there is not an option to switch to paying in instalments.

All programming runs throughout the school year for 40 classes. There are 10 months of classe, therefore 10 monthly payments. 

Monthly fees are created by dividing the cost of 40 classes into 10 equal monthly payments. 


Age Groups

Ninja-Nastics: Ages 5 to 10


Group based on Age as of January 1st 2025


All Recreational Classes are open to all genders



341 Marsland Drive Unit 2, Waterloo ON


Gymnastics Ontario Fee:

As a Gymnastics Ontario Member, we are required to have all clients insured.

Insurance fees are $65 + HST for Recreational Athletes


GO fees for this season are valid from July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025.


SHINE Membership Fee:

Upon registration, each participant will be charged a $50 + HST SHINE Membership fee.

SHINE Membership fees for this season are valid from July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025.


Insurance and Membership fees are non-refundable.


Payment Information:

Upon registration, a non-refundable deposit is due.

The deposit includes Gymnastics Ontario Insurance and our SHINE Annual Membership Fee

Uplifter accepts a variety of cards payments, including some debit options.


Once a payment is processed, there are no refunds.



SHINE Gymnastics does not offer refunds or credits for any reason.


Make Up Classes:

Make up classes are not offered at this time to maintain our Coach to Athlete ratios


Private Lessons:

We do not offer refunds or make up times for missed lessons.


Weather/Uncontrollable Circumstances Policy:

In the case of inclement weather, SHINE Gymnastics reserves the right to cancel all programming for impacted times at our discretion

. We do not offer refunds/credits/make up classes for weather related cancelations, or other cancelations outside of our control





Shine Gymnastics Centre

Previously known as Shining Star Athletics